When to apply Bankruptcy clerk DE/SDNY Forum

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When to apply Bankruptcy clerk DE/SDNY

Post by Anonymous User » Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:48 pm

Hi, I am several months into a clerkship at the USBC for DE/SDNY. I am very curious, when should I start to apply to law firms and how (I did not have a SA position 2L)? Anyone have any experience in this?


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Re: When to apply Bankruptcy clerk DE/SDNY

Post by OsamaJerry » Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:11 pm

I probably would start applying March/April. That is when most of the restructuring firms begin to interview and hire.

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Re: When to apply Bankruptcy clerk DE/SDNY

Post by Anonymous User » Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:51 am

Former sdny/de clerk. I started applying in December, but you probably won't gain much traction until January when firms start having clerk receptions. I know people who have received offers as early as November and as late as March or April. I interviewed and got an offer in early February. Waiting until March/April would not be a good move in my opinion, as a lot of firms will have finished hiring clerks by then.

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