Advice? Should I followup with direct email/phone call to firm Forum

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Advice? Should I followup with direct email/phone call to firm

Post by Lawdude500 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:31 pm

Career office recently emailed us to send them our resumes for a biglaw firm that is apparently still hiring, or that has the need for another associate.

I sent in my resume, but is there anything else I could/should be doing? This late in the game, I'm obviously desperate to go for this job (any biglaw at this point to be honest...). Should I sent the firm directly a transcript or something? Call their office and express my interest? Or just leave it to the career office to pass along my resume?

I checked my records and I had previously mass-mailed them my resume a couple months ago, but they never got back to me. Does this mean anything?

Thanks for any advice.

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