Family law/estate planning/elder law in DC without VA or MD bar admission Forum

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Family law/estate planning/elder law in DC without VA or MD bar admission

Post by Anonymous User » Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:39 pm

My partner is interested in moving to the DC area for work, but I'm concerned about my ability to find a job there. I've been admitted to my state bar for about 3 years now and would waive in to the DC bar. The problem is that I have a medical issue that would make it extremely difficult to take the bar again, so I would need to limit my job search to firms that are okay with someone admitted to DC but not Virginia or Maryland (which both require 5 years of practice to be admitted on motion). My goal is to find something in family law, estate planning, or Elder Law, small or mid-size firm. Fortunately I have good work experience/credentials so I think the big hurdle would be the bar admission. Are there enough firms in the area that would be okay with a DC-only attorney for this to be a possibility?

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