USAO Conflicts Forum

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Anonymous User
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USAO Conflicts

Post by Anonymous User » Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:23 pm

Can anyone explain how conflicts work when joining a USAO? I'm at a biglaw firm and I represent some federal criminal defendants. Will there be a conflicts issue if I go to a criminal division of a USAO in a different district from the ongoing criminal proceedings? If I go to a civil division?

Anonymous User
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Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:32 am

Re: USAO Conflicts

Post by Anonymous User » Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:44 pm

It shouldn't matter if you go to a different district (reasoning: I got a USAO gig while clerking but because it was a different district I didn't have to be screened from any of the criminal cases in my district). If it were the same district you'd just be conflicted out of anything to do with those cases, but I really don't think it would affect your ability to work on other unrelated cases (reasoning: when people have left the USAO to become a judge they're conflicted out of cases prosecuted in the office during the time they were in the office, but there's no issue with anything new that comes up).

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