Do law firms sell IPs or assets for their tech clients? Forum

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Anonymous User
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Do law firms sell IPs or assets for their tech clients?

Post by Anonymous User » Sun May 29, 2016 2:39 pm

I noticed that there are small law firms that sell IPs or the entire assets (acquisition) for their tech clients from identifying potential buyers (usually PE) to finalizing the contracts. I find this job interesting, since I have a business background and I actually like selling stuff.

My question is 1) whether big law firms also do this type of job 2) the name of the law firms that do this type of job, regardless of the size ?

Anonymous User
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Re: Do law firms sell IPs or assets for their tech clients?

Post by Anonymous User » Sun May 29, 2016 3:13 pm

Depends on the sophistication of the client. But, usually if a client has IP worth selling, it probably has business folk who know what they are doing. They would have connections to potential buyers and probably negotiate the term sheet. The law firm would still negotiate parts of the definitive agreement. The firms in the Bay Area with larger emerging companies practices do this kind of work.


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Re: Do law firms sell IPs or assets for their tech clients?

Post by ballouttacontrol » Tue May 31, 2016 7:17 pm

In biglaw, business people negotiate the deals and do the "selling." The lawyers just paper the deal and do ridiculous bickering over shit like indemnities and other crap no one actually gives a crap about whine the business people pray the lawyers don't fuck up the entire deal

Some super small firms will actually help on the real business side, but you really need to work to find them

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