Have we really scared people with 179s and an interest in lit to be afraid of Boies? I know a handful of people with Boies callbacks with similar grades. If you've got the balls to bid Gibson LA #1, you have to throw a shot at Boies.eazye wrote:First shot at a bid list.
I get the idea that you want safety firms like Fried Frank and Proskauer on there but you will almost certainly cancel your callback or screener with them (so basically you're wasting the bid). If I could do it over again, I would try to get safeties by mass mail or (if you need to) by add/drop and asking interviewers to speak with you over lunch or at the end of the day. Don't cut them all out, but to the extent you want to add better firms in, a 179 bidding NY is pretty safe when s/he blankets the v15 (like you've done).
Definitely mass mail Cahill & Willkie (any strong lit firm not coming to OCI).
Make sure you can sell Chicago ties hard to Kirkland. If they ask you who else in Chicago you're interviewing with, you need to have a prepackaged "I want to go to the best firm I can go to and I like Chicago for X reasons, but I'm also interviewing with [boies, Irell, munger, keker, etc]." Basically if your bidlist doesn't indicate Chicago, you need a coherent reason you're bidding them or they will brush you aside.