Bankruptcy Clerkships Unpaid? Forum

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Anonymous User
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Bankruptcy Clerkships Unpaid?

Post by Anonymous User » Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:34 pm

I'm looking at a bankruptcy clerkship on OSCAR and it says:
This is a one-year, full-time position, with the possibility of some compensation if the court's temporary law clerk positions are renewed.
Nowhere else does it say anything about compensation.

What? I thought bankruptcy clerkships were paid positions. The position is listed as "Term Law Clerk-Chambers."

Anonymous User
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Re: Bankruptcy Clerkships Unpaid?

Post by Anonymous User » Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:38 am

Sounds like the person who takes this position would be an extra clerk. Bankruptcy law clerks are paid at the same rate other federal clerks, but some districts have been adding "floater" clerks. It also could be a judge with a really busy docket who wants to add an unpaid clerk in addition to his or her paid clerks. It is not unique to bankruptcy--I know of a few unpaid district and COA clerks (most receive a stipend from their law school).

Anonymous User
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Re: Bankruptcy Clerkships Unpaid?

Post by Anonymous User » Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:51 am


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