White Case DC Akin Gump DC work/life balance Forum

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White Case DC Akin Gump DC work/life balance

Post by Anonymous User » Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:56 pm

Just wanna get a general sense of the sweatshop-ness of these offices/firms to put into consideration on my decision.

Thanks in advance

Eta: also, anything else to help my decision will be awesome. Thanks!

Anonymous User
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Re: White Case DC Akin Gump DC work/life balance

Post by Anonymous User » Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:57 pm

From a friend who used to work there, heard White & Case DC is a total sweatshop and associate work is also generally less interesting than most other big firms in town.

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Re: White Case DC Akin Gump DC work/life balance

Post by Anonymous User » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:10 pm

Which practice area(s)?

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Re: White Case DC Akin Gump DC work/life balance

Post by Anonymous User » Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:25 am

Anonymous User wrote:From a friend who used to work there, heard White & Case DC is a total sweatshop and associate work is also generally less interesting than most other big firms in town.
Ah, thanks for the insight.
Anonymous User wrote:Which practice area(s)?
Interviewed for IP Lit but want to also try out some corporate projects.

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Re: White Case DC Akin Gump DC work/life balance

Post by Anonymous User » Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:40 am

Anonymous User wrote:heard White & Case DC is a total sweatshop and associate work is also generally less interesting than most other big firms in town.
I have heard similar stories. Akin is supposed to have better hours and better bonuses as of late, but there is probably no guarantee of that going forward (with any firm).

Anonymous User
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Re: White Case DC Akin Gump DC work/life balance

Post by Anonymous User » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:09 am

Anonymous User wrote:From a friend who used to work there, heard White & Case DC is a total sweatshop and associate work is also generally less interesting than most other big firms in town.
Is this true for specific practice areas i.e. international arbitration?

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