Anonymous User wrote:Recently graduated top of my class from a T-14 and am in the vale. What do I do? More specifically, do I leave law if I don't get a 2014 clerkship and don't have a job by, say, Labor Day? I should add that I paid sticker.
Any constructive thoughts welcomed, especially of the therapeutic kind.
You're in decent shape. I would be very surprised if you cannot secure something post-bar.
When you say top, did you get Latin honors? Have you hit not only the major market firms but your home market firms? Perhaps send out some feeler e-mails to your home market firms (to a partner from a similar UG or lawlschool), dropping that you graduated recently from X with X honors, are studying for the bar, and want to return home to practice. Do you know if your firm is hiring?
Also, watch simplicity and get on BYU and check BigstateU of your home market's job postings.