To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears."
BYU Job Bank Login (current as of 12/13/17)
URL: https://www.law2.byu.edu/Career_Services/jobbank
User Name: jrcbcougar
Password: byublue2017
(Plz PM me when this needs updating)
The Vale is Internet Famous
Even more Internet Famous
rad lulz wrote:There is no 3L hiring "season." 3L job search possibilities look like this
2) Mass mail - low return for even the minimal amount of time it takes to research/mail merge due to the fact that the firms you mail must want to hire and want to hire AT THE TIME you mail and often they are looking to fill a specific practice need
3) Networking - hope you got on that sometime over the past few years
4) Symplicity - low response rate but better than mass mailing because those firms are ACTUALLY hiring when you submit your resume.
5) Whatever your CSO can scrounge up for you - probably nothing
6) Small firm or govt you clerk/intern for during the year - decent option if you can do this; those places may want to hire you or know people who will