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Anonymous User
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Post by Anonymous User » Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:20 pm

Through the grapevine I've heard that Dechert screwed a lot of its summers this year either cold-offering or no-offering a number of them. Does anyone have any information on whether this should be expected this year?

Anonymous User
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Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:32 am

Re: Dechert

Post by Anonymous User » Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:43 pm

I got this information from a classmate, so who knows how reliable it is.. but it's at least something:

Last year, Dechert gave out 39/43 offers.. (not sure if / how many of those were cold offers). This year (according to my friend who states that a recruiter told her this during her callback), they are wanting a smaller class size, i.e. somewhere in the 20's. My guess is that their reputation for having a significant number of no-offers is hurting them during recruiting, so maybe they'd rather take a smaller class and give out closer to 100% offers..

No idea how accurate this is, but I just wanted to pass along what I heard.

Anonymous User
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Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:32 am

Re: Dechert

Post by Anonymous User » Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:50 pm

What I heard was that last year they were expecting a class of 20, but too many people accepted their offers, so they had a big class and had trouble finding space for all of them, so they couldnt give them all offers. This year they are trying really hard to get that class of 20 they wanted last year.

Anonymous User
Posts: 430340
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:32 am

Re: Dechert

Post by Anonymous User » Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:54 pm

Anonymous User wrote:What I heard was that last year they were expecting a class of 20, but too many people accepted their offers, so they had a big class and had trouble finding space for all of them, so they couldnt give them all offers. This year they are trying really hard to get that class of 20 they wanted last year.
I got an offer from Dechert last year and they said they expected a class of 35 but I guess they ended up getting 43. I believe they wanted a class of 20 the year before (for the summer class in 2011) and ended up with 19.

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