follow up with employer question Forum

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follow up with employer question

Post by tbaker757 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:01 pm

Ok so Im a 1L have decent grades and had some interviews. Now im waiting on call backs/rejection letters. I sent thank you notes immediately. Its been a few weeks and no one has heard back one way or the other. I recently participated in a moot court competition for 1ls with the top 8 getting seats on the board. I made the board and now am considering emailing a followup email letting them know this information/following up with them. Thoughts? Is this a good way to maintain interest and bolster my resume or is this going to be seen as annoying and boastful

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Re: follow up with employer question

Post by Anonymous User » Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:06 pm

tbaker757 wrote:Ok so Im a 1L have decent grades and had some interviews. Now im waiting on call backs/rejection letters. I sent thank you notes immediately. Its been a few weeks and no one has heard back one way or the other. I recently participated in a moot court competition for 1ls with the top 8 getting seats on the board. I made the board and now am considering emailing a followup email letting them know this information/following up with them. Thoughts? Is this a good way to maintain interest and bolster my resume or is this going to be seen as annoying and boastful
I would definitely get in touch to reaffirm your interest and let them know of your recent update regarding the moot court board. If nothing else, it at least brings your name up again, in case it had gotten lost in the heap.


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Re: follow up with employer question

Post by LawIdiot86 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:08 pm

tbaker757 wrote:Ok so Im a 1L have decent grades and had some interviews. Now im waiting on call backs/rejection letters. I sent thank you notes immediately. Its been a few weeks and no one has heard back one way or the other. I recently participated in a moot court competition for 1ls with the top 8 getting seats on the board. I made the board and now am considering emailing a followup email letting them know this information/following up with them. Thoughts? Is this a good way to maintain interest and bolster my resume or is this going to be seen as annoying and boastful
You should definitely communicate this new honor to the HR person/hiring partner you interacted with. But on the board as a 1L? Don't you mean you made it on the team because the board selected you?


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Re: follow up with employer question

Post by tbaker757 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:26 pm

im not sure? they say that the quarter finals (top eight) are granted spots on the moot court board. If you mean a leadership position they differentiate that as the executive board


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Re: follow up with employer question

Post by LawIdiot86 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:30 pm

tbaker757 wrote:im not sure? they say that the quarter finals (top eight) are granted spots on the moot court board. If you mean a leadership position they differentiate that as the executive board
Ok, that makes sense then. Just communicate this to the firm, they won't see it as pestering if it is put as an update as opposed to bragging/entitled.

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