I am NOT OP, but I worked for a small/mid "flyover state" firm last summer and will work for another one next summer. OP's firm may be different (considering it is larger and probably in a bigger market), but I can state unequivocally and emphatically that the answer to both of your questions in the case of the two firms I know is NO. It might actually hurt you if you worked biglaw. They want to hire people out of law school with connections, or else hire people coming off of clerkships.Anonymous User wrote:Can you lateral in as a partner if you are a senior associate in biglaw? Does a firm like yours actively look for biglaw types coming back home? Thanks.
Biglaw = potential flight risk, potential fit/cultural issues, potentially won't be happy with salary, potentially have habits that are horribly counterproductive to practicing in a smaller area (both with other attorneys and clients).
These firms may consider a biglaw associate as poisonous.
Now, on the other hand, I am aware of a few small/mid firms that do recruit biglaw laterals. They still value connections to the area, and they generally only look for biglaw laterals if you have a lot of experience in one practice area in which they want to expand. It is still unlikely to get partner right from biglaw associate, but I think it is possible. The bigger the "mid-sized" firm and bigger the city, the more likely biglaw experience is to help than hurt.
I know that's all over the place, but these firms are all over the place. Hope that helps.