Construction/pizza job on resume Forum

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Construction/pizza job on resume

Post by mikec0824 » Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:43 pm

Rising 2l preparing for recruiting. On my resume I have 3 things listed under "legal experience", a clerkship at a law firm, a research assistant for an attorney, and an intern for a sports agency. The clerkship and research assistant positions I have done during this summer. Also this summer I worked nights at a pizza place and weekends for a construction company. Should I have these two jobs on my resume under a different section such as "work experience", or should I omit them totally. I thought it might help to show that I worked a ton of hours this summer and set me apart from other resumes. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Re: Construction/pizza job on resume

Post by gwuorbust » Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:53 pm

omit, it won't help and could turn some people off


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Re: Construction/pizza job on resume

Post by sarahlawg » Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:06 pm

gwuorbust wrote:omit, it won't help and could turn some people off
I'm curious as to how it may turn people off. I don't have any experience in legal recruiting, so the insight would be helpful.

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Re: Construction/pizza job on resume

Post by gwuorbust » Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:11 pm

sarahlawg wrote:
gwuorbust wrote:omit, it won't help and could turn some people off
I'm curious as to how it may turn people off. I don't have any experience in legal recruiting, so the insight would be helpful.
I doubt most people will care. But I have spent enough time around pretentious people to know how they think. And I could easily see a small minority of people tossing resumes which have what they think are low-level jobs. Not saying it should happen, but I'm sure it does. Hiring is largely arbitrary.


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Re: Construction/pizza job on resume

Post by scared2L » Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:23 pm

pizza hut?

doesn't nixon peabody ask for a complete employment history? even if you have shitty jobs, you gotta list em?

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Re: Construction/pizza job on resume

Post by mths » Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:34 pm

I might mention it in a cover letter to show work ethic but I wouldn't clutter your resume with it.

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