I can't say that #1 is surely true, but I can say that of the 10 or so interns I know, all of us were offered jobs. I have been told this is because they give great weight to your supervisor's evaluation of you. So basically, if you do a good job and care about the work, your supervisor will like you and write a good review. I know that #2 is not 100% true, but most of the people who get hired have interned there (or at least that is my impression). I know if you go to the information sessions on getting hired by the PD, they tell you to intern there if you want to work for them.Anonymous User wrote:I'm trying to decide between summer offers. I heard a couple things at EJW this year and want to know how true they are. 1. if you intern your 2L summer at the Colorado State Public Defender, you're almost guaranteed a job after graduation. You will interview at the end of the summer and if you don't screw it up, you'll get an offer. 2. because Colorado does this, it is hard to get a postgrad job there if you did not intern.
Not sure what the other office is, but Colorado is pretty cool.