ftc bureau of competition/doj antitrust hiring forecast? Forum

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ftc bureau of competition/doj antitrust hiring forecast?

Post by Anonymous User » Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:39 pm

http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2011/02/07/no- ... stbusters/

Noticed this in the wall street journal about FTC/DOJ Antitrust. Does anyone who works at these agencies have any idea of what is likely to happen with hiring? It seems like the SLIM chances of working at either of these two places is about to get a lot slimmer.

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Re: ftc bureau of competition/doj antitrust hiring forecast?

Post by Anonymous User » Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:23 pm

I actually met with DoJ Antitrust the other day. S/he was unsure about if the agencies were going to merge or what was going to happen. I wish I could give a better answer, but they're "gearing up for the possibility."

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