Academic dishonesty C&F, how cooked am I for T14 Forum

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Academic dishonesty C&F, how cooked am I for T14

Post by gloriousapricot67 » Sat Jan 25, 2025 12:31 am

3.86 GPA from HYPS w/ BS in molecular biology, haven’t taken LSAT yet but just took a 0 prep practice test as baseline and got a 165, so I am confident with a few months of good studying I can get 17x.

I graduated in 2023, but in my sophomore spring of college my friend messaged me during an online quiz asking about a question and I told her what I wrote. Turns out she put down exactly what I wrote and prof reported both of us to the dean for academic dishonesty. After a hearing in which I apologized and took full accountability, I was given the lightest possible penalty (2 months academic probation, no info about the incident on my transcript, only appears on internal conduct record— standard penalty is 2 semester suspension). After this, I held major leadership positions in service organizations at school before graduating and working in research. I have worked one year in a large academic lab doing basic science research, another year at a biotech startup.

It was a really stupid mistake that I have come to regret deeply almost every day and will take full accountability for in my C&F addendum, but is it even worth applying with hopes of going to a T14 or at least T25 with this on my record? I figure these schools are swamped with compelling applicants from individuals without such marks on their record, so not sure if it’s even worth it for me to throw my hat in the ring. Any advice appreciated. Thank you

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Re: Academic dishonesty C&F, how cooked am I for T14

Post by nealric » Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:56 pm

I wouldn't count yourself out. Worst thing they can do is reject you. I'd also read the disclosure requirements on the applications very carefully to make sure you need to disclose at all given that there is no external record of it.

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