Would retroactive withdraws be worth it for an extreme 2.7/178 splitter? Forum

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Would retroactive withdraws be worth it for an extreme 2.7/178 splitter?

Post by lawschoolsplit2023 » Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:34 am

I am a splitter 2.7/178 with 5-10 years removed from undergrad.

The reason my law school computed gpa is low is because while I did well every semester, I had one semester fall 2011 where I missed virtually the whole semester being so ill and didn’t withdraw from 5 courses and received grades of SF (stopped attending failure)

Since I had a bona fide medical excuse and can have a physician write me a letter and school has a retroactive withdraw or exception to registration petition process, if this can potentially boost one from 2.7 to 3.0-3.1 should I take it?

Couldn’t this be a deal breaker between ucla, northwestern or Georgetown since I have a 178 or will 2.7 to 3.1 not make that much difference to try to petition

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