Law School vs Job Dilemma Forum

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Law School vs Job Dilemma

Post by mailtojunkr » Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:49 pm

Facing a senior year dilemma. I am applying to T10 schools (174/4.0) and also interviewing for jobs. Hard to say how the sequence of events will turn out. But say...

1) I get an admission offer that I accept
2) later get my dream job
3) request law school for a 2-3 yr deferral which they will most likely deny (1yr deferrals are normal for them)
4) decide not to go to law school now and work 3 years
5) Apply to law schools 3 years later

What would be my standing with the T10 law school that I did not attend? will they reconsider my application (which likely would be stronger with 3 yr work experience) or am I outcast at that school? Anyone actually gone through this? TIA


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Re: Law School vs Job Dilemma

Post by crazywafflez » Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:07 pm

They would offer a 1 year deferral. They don't care if you reject them and then apply 2-3 years later.

I'd consider applying to the T13 law schools, not just the T10, unless you just really hate NW, Cornell and whoever else gets set at 11th that year. Send apps to Y, H, S, Chi, C, NYU, Penn, Duke, UVA, Mich, Cal, NW, and Cornell.


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Re: Law School vs Job Dilemma

Post by nixy » Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:18 pm

Yeah, they’ll definitely reconsider your application without any issues.

And T10 isn’t really a thing.

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