Applying with a science degree? (Non-patent law) Forum

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Applying with a science degree? (Non-patent law)

Post by lawgirl1626 » Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:15 am

I have found a lot of threads talking about how an undergrad degree in science can help you get into law school if you are interested in patent law since sitting for the patent bar requires certain STEM degrees. However, what about people with undergrad STEM degrees who would rather do other types of law unrelated to science? Would my bio degree hurt me in that case?


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Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:34 pm

Re: Applying with a science degree? (Non-patent law)

Post by dvlthndr » Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:30 pm

A STEM background is a slightly positive “soft” factor in admissions. Nobody will penalize you for it, even if it is clear that you have no interest in patent work.

In terms of the job market, the right background would give you a leg up if you wanted to do patent litigation or tech transactions. But nobody is going to hold the STEM degree against you if you are otherwise qualified to do a different kind of work (e.g., general litigation/corporate work, or some other specialty).

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