I really can't. I did find out that UVA and Michigan really like Why X essays and I planned to write and submit the essays afterwards but my fall semester classes ended up being way way harder/more time consuming than I thought so I kind of forgot about writing the letters until it was too late.Npret wrote:I don’t think a failure to tailor your application was the issue. Are you sure you can’t think of anything else?kinge wrote:I did not write a Why UVA or a Why Michigan but I did write one for Penn. I also did not tailor my PS for Columbia (although I did address Why Law and wove my personal narrative in there). I found out after I already submitted my app that Columbia may or may not want the PS tailored to their school (https://www.reddit.com/r/lawschooladmis ... statement/), but I also heard that it would be fine if I submitted the same PS to all the schools I applied to.Paul Campos wrote:The odds that you would be rejected to all nine of those schools with those numbers by random chance are less than 500 to 1. So either you were crazy unlucky or there's something seriously off with your application.
I suppose the letters of recommendation MAY have been the problem but I'm having a hard time believing that they could have hurt my app so much. The first professor was always happy to talk to me about school stuff, personal stuff, and also law school stuff (his brother is a lawyer, applied/went to law school during ITE). He let me take an advanced course that he taught without fulfilling the prereqs because he saw how I did in another one of his classes and trusted me to work hard. I had classes with both my recommenders during my last semester and wanted to get my transcript in a few weeks earlier and both professors were more than happy to help me with that. I've always heard that GPA and LSAT were 95% of the battle for most schools so I feel like 1 decent LOR and 1 glowing one wouldn't be a net negative.
I will likely talk with my recommenders about reapplying in a few weeks anyways and I'll try to think about what to ask them in the meantime.