I’m a prospective law school student in the DC/NOVA area. I have a huge dilemma, and I seriously don’t know what to do... When I was preparing for the LSAT I was ranging between a 155 when I first took my diagnostic test and a 167 the week prior to the Sept exam. I seriously thought I had this in the bag, but unfortunately I didn’t.. the week leading to the exam I had 2 graduate school papers + I work full time at a big law firm as a consultant. With all the stress of work, school and the LSAT I ended up screwing up the day of the exam and got a 144 (I know, it’s horrendous)...
I go to GMU now for grad school studying economics, where I have a 3.95 GPA and received fellowship and high honor scholarships for my degree. I went to a top 20 undergrad institution where I studied political science and economics. I currently work at a big law firm and spend about 1/3rd of my time in our European office. So, I’m hoping my resume, personal statement, letters of recommendation, and transcripts help me but I don’t think so.... I know I should just take the LSAT again, but unfortunately my work is sending me to London from mid Oct- early August to work on a case with the EU Commission. The partners I work with expect me to go to law school part time so I could eventually be a law clerk and then an associate.
Is it worth even applying with my 144 LSAT? I don’t know how I could retake it with the limited time as I’ll be abroad for work. I seriously still can’t believe how badly I f’d up on this test.
Chances of getting into George Mason Law Forum
(Applications Advice, Letters of Recommendation . . . )
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:00 am
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