Pay deposit-other schools can know? How?? Forum

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Pay deposit-other schools can know? How??

Post by Shangrilala » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:35 am

If one put deposit at a school, will other schools know that?
If so, how?
I found some people are asked whether they put a deposit at some other school during interview, will this affect their decision?
If they know the answer, I thought they won't ask a question like this, but I think I also saw somewhere that they can know whether students put a deposit somewhere else...
Confused :?

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Re: Pay deposit-other schools can know? How??

Post by UVA2B » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:50 am

When schools hit a deposit deadline, and the student has deposited at multiple schools, they will get a report of those who have deposited at multiple schools from LSAC. If you haven't deposited at the school in question, you won't be on that list and they won't know that you've deposited elsewhere. Schools can enforce their own deposit deadlines as they wish, but they won't really enforce you being deposited at only one school. If you haven't agreed to attending that school through an ED or some other contractual obligation that requires you to withdraw from all other schools, feel free to deposit at as many schools as you're still considering. But you need to respect each school's deposit deadlines, cause otherwise you'll fall off their books (some will allow you to deposit after the deadline in certain circumstances, but I would never assume you will get away with that).

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