Do schools HAVE to let you know before April 15 if you got a scholarship? Forum

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Do schools HAVE to let you know before April 15 if you got a scholarship?

Post by nicolesp1 » Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:22 pm

So I have a dilemma. I applied very late (I applied everywhere March 15), but to schools that I was well over their median LSAT and GPA. I know that a lot of schools require a seat deposit by April 15 or even sooner, so what do I do if I haven't heard about scholarships yet? I've only been admitted to a few places so far and they said a scholarship notification would be sent separately, and when I spoke to my friends they said they would hear about scholarships MONTHS after being admitted. Do the schools have to let me know before April 15 or could it be months before I find out? What should I do about the seat deposits :(

also the only school I heard from with a scholarship is UM and they said I have to let them know by April 1st but how can I let them know if I haven't even heard back from other schools yet? I just don't know what to do about this whole seat deposit thing because I don't have the money to put seat deposits down at more than one school, especially when some of them are over 1,000$.

Thank you!!!

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Re: Do schools HAVE to let you know before April 15 if you got a scholarship?

Post by guynourmin » Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:35 pm

I do not believe any school will require you to make a deposit without first having given you your scholarship. If a schools deposit deadline is approaching and you've been accepted but you haven't heard anything about money, I would imagine they would be very generous about pushing the deadline back for you. Likely, you'll be making a decision without having all of your options in front of you, unfortunately.
nicolesp1 wrote:they said I have to let them know by April 1st but how can I let them know if I haven't even heard back from other schools yet?
you can ask for an extension, but this is on you. Applying March 15 is really late. The schools aren't doing anything unfair to you by not giving you a lot of time to decide. You could still wind up with some good options, but applying late is bad for a lot of reasons, and this is obviously one of them.

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