Scholarship Renegotiation Deadline? Forum

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Scholarship Renegotiation Deadline?

Post by chelssd3232 » Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:03 pm

Hi all! I was wondering if anyone has gone through the process of scholarship renegotiation, and if you have done it successfully I was wondering if they give you a shortened amount of time to decide to commit? Some people have told me that you usually have 3 days to make up your mind once the new offer is made. I have heard both ways and am in the process of getting renegotiation started with a few schools so I was just wondering what to expect. Thanks!

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Re: Scholarship Renegotiation Deadline?

Post by brinicolec » Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:09 pm

chelssd3232 wrote:Hi all! I was wondering if anyone has gone through the process of scholarship renegotiation, and if you have done it successfully I was wondering if they give you a shortened amount of time to decide to commit? Some people have told me that you usually have 3 days to make up your mind once the new offer is made. I have heard both ways and am in the process of getting renegotiation started with a few schools so I was just wondering what to expect. Thanks!
I know that some places do give you a limited time to decide or the new offer goes away, but I don't know if all places are like that


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Re: Scholarship Renegotiation Deadline?

Post by SPerez » Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:38 am

chelssd3232 wrote:Hi all! I was wondering if anyone has gone through the process of scholarship renegotiation, and if you have done it successfully I was wondering if they give you a shortened amount of time to decide to commit? Some people have told me that you usually have 3 days to make up your mind once the new offer is made. I have heard both ways and am in the process of getting renegotiation started with a few schools so I was just wondering what to expect. Thanks!
There really isn't a "usual." Every school does it differently and will have their own rules or preferences.

Stephen M. Perez
Prof. & Fmr. Admissions Dean

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