And since the TLS crowd isn't representative of the general population, your 'study' numbers (uncited) don't matterchicagoburger wrote:Starbucks doesn't sell shining stars nor Milwaukee bucks.emkay625 wrote:
I'm a friendly person. I never just say retake. And I certainly do NOT advocate T-14 or bust. (I did not attend a T-14.) But don't come to a website named and then be surprised when the advice is geared toward helping people getting into top schools.
To those who got way better offers after retaking LSAT, congrats. But you are the outlier I am afraid. There is one LSAT study that shows the mean LSAT scores were highest for second-time test takers(151.7), followed closely by first-time test takers (151.0) and third-time test takers (149.4). Huge difference anyone?
But I have to say, statistically speaking, most of those who scored below 160 here will score mostly below 160. That's the way LSAT test designed. 80% people has to be below 160 in general.

Guess it's a good thing that the people here are mostly top 20%'ers.
The best advice here is clearly to retake.