Given your goals you're going to have to re-take. I can't think of a law school outside of the T14 (and a few select others including like UT or Vandy) that places strongly in multiple states. If re-taking isn't possible, that's okay. Just go to a single-state powerhouse.ready2attend wrote:I'm not an outsider, im from Florida. I want to go to a school that places fairly well regionally (as opposed to just state the state in which the school is location. I figured Emory would be fit the bill for most of the south. Obviously t14 is the answer, but it's not in the cards for me
The biggest mistake law students with your numbers make is using US News rankings as a proxy for placement. Countless students graduate from places like Emory, Notre Dame, or GW believing that the school's reputation will help with placement outside of their primary market. It won't.
Hell, some of my classmates at my T14 (NU) struggled with finding jobs when they looked outside the midwest (e.g. SF). All the while, UC Hastings grads were taking all the other non-Biglaw jobs in SF. Even the T14 with all it's so called national reputation isn't all it's cracked up to be.