Updating GPA Forum

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Updating GPA

Post by MikeRoss2568 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:24 pm

Hello all,

Currently going to apply this year for LS, gunning for the T-14,

LSAT = 174, GPA is a 3.96, so just under 75% for YLS and Stanford.

I have reason to believe I can bring this up to at least a 3.98 (university gives out A+'s, and I am taking 7 courses this semester) by the end of first semester. I was wondering if I do, can I update my GPA on file to reflect this new information?

Also, if I do end up getting accepted prior to first semester ending, can I e-mail the law schools with this new information and see if I can negotiate scholarship money if I get any (I am an international, not sure if I am eligible for any in the first place). I know a 0.02 bump is not much, but I'd effectively be moving from the 50th percentile bracket to the 75th percentile bracket, so that has to be worth something right?

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Re: Updating GPA

Post by proteinshake » Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:39 pm

you can update it after the semester grades are finalized.

and yes to the last paragraph.

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