What are my chances/ what is the journey like for getting accepted into law school years after initially attending schoo Forum

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What are my chances/ what is the journey like for getting accepted into law school years after initially attending schoo

Post by icac1 » Sat Mar 12, 2016 5:33 pm

Here's my story. I'm 23, and am currently in my 5th year of school. I started out earning my AA at a community college, where I estimate I graduated with a 3.2 GPA. I then transferred to a University, where I was enrolled in business courses for 3 semesters. My GPA fell and I believe when I was done there, I had a cumulative GPA of ~2.8-2.9. I DID NOT graduate. I now attend a trade school, and my GPA is doing much better here. Last semester, it was 3.25 and I expect it to be about 3.6 this semester. I've always kind of had an interest in the law field and am just going through the "what-ifs" for years down the line.

I'd like to finish out my BA after I work for a while and make some money. I'd like to do so sooner rather than later, but realistically, it likely won't happen until my early/mid-30's. I'm hoping to finish my trade program with a ~3.0-3.1 GPA (cumulative), and hopefully my BA (business) classes can also help raise it down the line.

I guess I'm really looking into any insight on my situation. How much will my college career affect my chances, say, if I were to try to get into law school 20 or so years down the line?
What can I do prior to applying, 20 or so years down the line (other than raising my GPA & finishing my BA), if anything, to increase my chances?
What are the big 'things' that will be looked at if I were to apply when I'm 30,40,50 years old?
How much will my current college career affect my chances? Will they only look at my time at the University? Will they only look at my education up until I went to trade school? Will they look at it all?

Again, any insight (other than 'Raise your GPA.' I know it's low.) is appreciated.


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Re: What are my chances/ what is the journey like for getting accepted into law school years after initially attending s

Post by zeglo » Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:17 pm

Last edited by zeglo on Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Abraham Lincoln Uni.

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Re: What are my chances/ what is the journey like for getting accepted into law school years after initially attending s

Post by Abraham Lincoln Uni. » Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:29 pm

It depends on which law school you would like to attend. Each law school has different requirements and minimal requirements in order to be admitted which include GPA, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, job experience, LSAT scores (for schools requiring them), and the supplemental application.
If you are not interested in going to law school upon graduating college, you may look for jobs working in a law firm, internships at the district attorney’s office, or other law related practices to gain more experience and exposure. This will also be a good indicator to see if law is still of interest to you.
It really depends on the schools you are looking to apply to and whether you would like to be a full time or part time student. It is not grades alone that affect admission, but it does play a part in the admission review process. If you are not interested in specifically raising your GPA, you may work on increasing LSAT scores, having stronger letters of recommendation, solid work experience, and a well written personal statement and supplemental application. These will all help throughout the review process. Once again, it depends on the schools you arespecifically interested in applying to and their admission requirements.
Best of luck!

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