Duke Priority Track Forum

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Duke Priority Track

Post by LawurmStudent » Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:16 am

Say I am retaking in December because of shifting error on scantron in October. If I score high enough to qualify for the Duke priority track in December is it possible that they will not give me the option because I have multiple scores?

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Re: Duke Priority Track

Post by lymenheimer » Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:22 am

LawurmStudent wrote:Say I am retaking in December because of shifting error on scantron in October. If I score high enough to qualify for the Duke priority track in December is it possible that they will not give me the option because I have multiple scores?
I'm pretty sure Duke can do whatever they want with their PT invites. Is it likely they'll black ball you because of your first score? no. But honestly, this is kind of a useless question. At this point, either they will or they won't, right? Just focus on getting your score up there and then you can see what your options are.

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Re: Duke Priority Track

Post by cub1014 » Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:58 pm

LawurmStudent wrote:Say I am retaking in December because of shifting error on scantron in October. If I score high enough to qualify for the Duke priority track in December is it possible that they will not give me the option because I have multiple scores?
I have multiple scores and got invited to PT after my take in October. So the answer is probably no.

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