My interpretation is that i'm a borderline candidate. The thing is, i have no idea what they want me to say. Put another way, i don't know what, if anything, could make them say "well, after learning this from/about you, now you're worthy of an acceptance."
The person sensed that i was unprepared (i also admitted it), we laughed it off, and he was generous enough to offer me the convenience of calling back tomorrow to give them something, anything, that would make their decision easier. I get the feeling they're looking for a commitment of some sort. Should i emphasize how much i really want to go to the school? Should i tell them that if i get in i'm definitely going? I don't want to do the latter because i have to consider other acceptances and scholarship offers, but i am genuinely interested in attending.
I feel like i made a fool of myself when i said i wasn't prepared to answer that question