Using a PO Box on Applications? Forum

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Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:02 pm

Using a PO Box on Applications?

Post by Smemt » Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:35 pm

I was wondering if it's acceptable to provide a PO Box as my mailing address (and only) address on applications.

I ask because I live with both my parents and extended family members who all see no problem with opening mail that isn't addressed to them. Most of my regular mail is sent to the box because of this, and the last thing I want is for other people to find out if I was rejected or accepted before I do (which is what happened with Undergrad apps).

I'm also wary of putting my home address down as my permanent address, even with the PO listed as the mailing address. When my roommate in college was applying, half her letters came to our place and the rest went to her parents house.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

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