Strange Situation: LSAC GPA (help please) Forum

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Strange Situation: LSAC GPA (help please)

Post by shep33 » Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:28 am

Hey everyone,

Had a question about LSAC GPA calculation. On their website it says that grades received after the first undergrad degree will not be counted. On my transcript, the confer date of my degree (when I received my degree) is noted in June. However, I finished all my requirements the previous semester, and on my transcript is notes that the courses taken in the following semester are "extra to degree". Although they are considered "extra to degree" (over 120 credits), would those courses still count for my LSAC gpa? They are clearly written down as "extra to degree", however, they are also all before my graduation/the actual date when I received my degree.

Thanks guys!

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Re: Strange Situation: LSAC GPA (help please)

Post by KevinP » Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:17 am

Yes, those courses will be counted. It doesn't matter when you completed the requirements for your degree or if there are any classes marked extra to the degree. What matters is when you received your degree.*

Depending on how important the conversion is, you can always call LSAC to verify.

*I'm 99.9% sure of this, but I'll include this statement of uncertainty just to be safe.


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Re: Strange Situation: LSAC GPA (help please)

Post by shep33 » Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:04 pm

Thank you so much for your reply. Much appreciated. :D

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