Integrated Undergraduate/Graduate Program and LSDAS GPA Forum

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Integrated Undergraduate/Graduate Program and LSDAS GPA

Post by lrp5060 » Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:37 pm

Hey guys,

Ok so I'm in a integrated undergraduate/graduate program through the honors college at my school which means that when I graduate in December of 2013, I will have a ceremony to recieve my masters degree and bachelor's degree at the same time. Thus, I won't technically recieve my graduate degree after my bachelor's degree. Now, LSAC has stated that any credits taken before your first bachelor's degree counts towards your LSDAS GPA. Since I will take all of the courses for my masters before I get my bachelor's degree, will these graduate level courses count towards what LSDAS GPA?

Some additional Info: the program allows me to complete both degrees in 5 years by having twelve of the credits double count. This means that I can pick any twelve credits to count towards both my master's and bachelor's degree. The additional 24 credits only count toward my master's degree, but again, I will have taken all of my courses for my master's before receiving my bachelor's.

Just want to know what to expect when my GPA is recalculated (will it stay the same or will I get a boost for the additional 24 credits in graduate-level work) Thanks in advance!

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Re: Integrated Undergraduate/Graduate Program and LSDAS GPA

Post by 2014 » Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:46 pm

You might double check with LSAC but yeah those classes should count I would think.

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