Will a Job Offer post law school help my admissions chances? Forum

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Will a Job Offer post law school help my admissions chances?

Post by dborne1 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:47 pm


I am currently scoring around 165 on practice LSATs, have a GPA of 2.8, and planning on applying to law school after the fall semester (hoping to pull that GPA up to a 3, I never really applied myself so it's possible).

My question is, would a stellar letter of reccomendation from a prominent attorney that I am interning for in NYC this summer, along with the fact that he has already offered me a job after law school help my admissions chances? I really would like to stay in NY for law school so that I can keep working for this attorney throughout school, but would prefer not to go to NYLS or Touro (if I can avoid it).

Will the guarantee of employment the day after graduation help me get in?



I know that the fact that I already have a job means that which school I attend matters less, but I would like to go to a good school just for my own resume, and personal feelings about the school. Also, the more competitive a school atmosphere is the better I'll do

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Re: Will a Job Offer post law school help my admissions chances?

Post by 2014 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:20 pm

Probably won't matter at all for admissions. Depending on how much this employer pays your main interest is going to be in minimizing debt though. With your numbers and desire to stay in NYC you are probably looking at Brooklyn, Cardozo, and perhaps Rutgers Newark as targets. Whatever their original scholarship offers are, don't think it's final they negotiate very easily.

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