(Applications Advice, Letters of Recommendation . . . )
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Post by GD123 » Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:36 pm

just curious to hear some opinions on this. if you're planning on writing an addendum to explain a weak point on your transcript for example, would you still do so if the schools application has a "overcoming obstacles" section? basically, what would be better; filling the overcoming obstacles portion, or clicking "does not apply" and just attaching your addendum? thanks guys.


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Post by GatorCTS » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:43 pm

GD123 wrote:just curious to hear some opinions on this. if you're planning on writing an addendum to explain a weak point on your transcript for example, would you still do so if the schools application has a "overcoming obstacles" section? basically, what would be better; filling the overcoming obstacles portion, or clicking "does not apply" and just attaching your addendum? thanks guys.
I added an addendum to my applications rather than the overcoming obstacles option that some apps had. I didn't do it for any particular reason other than self sanity in trying to keep my applications organized and fairly uniform. My addendum was a short 3-4 sentence paragraph explaining why my GPA was low during one of my academic years, and while it could have been considered overcoming obstacles I just figured that the adversity I went through would be best described in an addendum. Idk if it really matters or not for the school but maybe someone else on here would know a little bit better.

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