Vist and apply, or apply now? Forum

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Vist and apply, or apply now?

Post by kc10 » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:17 pm

There's a law school close enough to where I live that I can daytrip to it, but far enough away that I won't be penalized for not visiting. This is one of the dozen or so schools I am applying to, and is one of the ones I am most competitive for.

If I could tour in the next two weeks or so, would it be best to do that and then apply? OR, because it's relatively late in the application cycle, should I just apply now? Which option will help my chances the most?


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Re: Vist and apply, or apply now?

Post by MrAnon » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:21 pm

it doesn't matter. they just want your money.


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Re: Vist and apply, or apply now?

Post by postn0bills » Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:13 pm

DEFINITELY apply now, visit later. There's no reason applications should be held up for purposes of visiting a campus. The two aren't even related. Visit at your own leisure. I've only visited a few of the places I've applied to.

Why would you be penalized for not visiting? I've never heard of that.


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Re: Vist and apply, or apply now?

Post by KingsBench » Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:19 pm

I agree, apply now. If you have a competitive application and are considering this school, the fact that you visited the school or not makes no fundamental difference. You can plan a visit once you have a firm acceptance in hand.

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