I'm currently mid-cycle. I've heard from 7/18 schools I've applied to: accepted at a couple top 30's, rejected at a couple T14s, WL'd at T10 that was my early decision choice, and waiting to hear from everyone in between the top 30 and T14. It's been suggested that I consider retaking the LSAT to improve my chances of getting off the WL at this school, but I'm wondering how it will affect the other schools I'm still waiting to hear from.
About half of the pending applications are under review, the others are stuck at complete. I haven't decided if I'm going to take the Feb. LSAT, but I registered an hour before the deadline passed yesterday to keep my options open. I never indicated that I would be taking a future LSAT on my actual applications, because at the time I hadn't even considered taking it a 3rd time. Now that I'm registered for the Feb. LSAT, I'm afraid that my pending applications will be held, even though I did not put a 'future LSAT date' on the application. I don't want it to mess up pending applications, especially since I haven't even decided if I'm going to sit for the test being that you can cancel your registration up until the night before.
One of the pending schools e-mailed me today to say they noticed I registered for the Feb LSAT and ask me if they should wait for the Feb score to review my app or to go ahead with the review process. Do you think other schools will also e-mail? How does LSAC notify schools that you are registered for another LSAT?
I'm 50/50 on taking the Feb LSAT, so I don't want it to mess up pending applications if I decide not to.
Considering LSAT Retake Mid-Cycle Forum
(Applications Advice, Letters of Recommendation . . . )
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