Nice to see that I'm not the only one to think that internet memes are one of the most retarded parts of the internet.Mroberts3 wrote: Seriously, grow the fuck up, TLS. Nobody thinks you are clever for posting memes.
Anyways, I'm not at all sure what to do in this situation, OP. I know you're probably taking it pretty hard, but I really think that the best thing to do is to tell the schools that you have been accepted to. The idea of going to law school is to be a lawyer. If you want to do that you're going to have to do the character and fitness bar. It would really suck if you went through 3 years only to be disallowed from practicing because you kept something from your law school. I'm not saying that would happen, but there's a chance that it might. I wouldn't want to take that chance. If it means they reject you, well you can always apply again, but once you're in there really is no turning back.