Is anyone else like...Overly stressed? Forum

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Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by PersuasiveCharm » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:03 am

First it was the LSAT....Now it's the waiting process. I've had nightmares at night... And during the day one moment I'll be smiling and happy until I realize a decision still hasn't been made on my applications yet. :oops: None of my friends will listen to me talk about law school anymore. My boyfriend listens but I can tell he is almost quite fed up with it as well. Sigh. Please tell me I'm not the only one.


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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by msuz » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:13 am

worrying is a wasted emotion. have a backup plan, and dont set your expectations too high so you wont be disappointed.

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by beezy08 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:17 am

PersuasiveCharm wrote:First it was the LSAT....Now it's the waiting process. I've had nightmares at night... And during the day one moment I'll be smiling and happy until I realize a decision still hasn't been made on my applications yet. :oops: None of my friends will listen to me talk about law school anymore. My boyfriend listens but I can tell he is almost quite fed up with it as well. Sigh. Please tell me I'm not the only one.
You're not alone. I am pretty freaked out as well. Don't let it take over your whole life, but it's definitely normal to worry and stress about decisions and how the cycle is going to end up

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by JamMasterJ » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:18 am

yeah. I'm gonna be freaking out for the next month and a half at least


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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by mighttransfer » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:18 am

You are certainly not alone. The law school admission process is quite stressful. But, as a word of warning, the stress you're feeling now is nothing compared to that which you will feel around 1L exam time. Try to relax and stay focused on one step at a time. I have found that looking at the whole picture (i.e., LSAT to employment) can be overwhelming. That isn't to say that you shouldn't try to formulate a long-term plan; I think that you should. But by looking at each step at a time, everything will seem more manageable.

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by PersuasiveCharm » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:23 am

Omg it feels so good that I am not alone with this feeling. I'll try to work on not letting it dominate my life. On my days off it's usually the worst. When I'm home alone and have too much time to think. Blah. It's like I start psyching myself out. This month will probably be the hardest month of my life.

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by neeko » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:24 am

I'm right there with you. Definitely worse than waiting for the LSAT scores.


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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by PersuasiveCharm » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:26 am

I just got a telemarketing phone call from a random number. I thought it was an admit call. I'm logging myself off, putting my phone on silent, and going to take a nap. This is just too much for me right now. Also, if I see another fat package in the mail that is NOT addressed to me...I just might scream.


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Post by emorystud2010 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:28 am

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by NiccoloA » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:17 pm

Not too stressed. (More frustrated with the hoops that I have to jump through, but I suppose as a lawyer you have to get used to these too)

A little bit of stress is normal, but you really shouldn't worry at this point. What is done is done.

I think that next cycle will be easier for me - if I decide to gap and retake - because I went through this process before. Even though I've spent a good $100 on these damn application report fees. :evil:

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by sandwiches5000 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:23 pm


The best thing you can do is not go on this forum. Oh well.


You are definitely not alone. I freaked out the other night and this girl I was sort of seeing for a while was being completely nonchalant about the whole thing until finally I'm like, "You just don't understand! You have no idea..." Her reply was, "I think I do. I certainly hear about it enough..."

Surround yourself with as many distractions as possible. But not people who will completely disregard your feelings if a stressed out moment arises (probably shouldn't be hanging out with people like that in the first place.) I'm getting back to a good workout routine (on day one.) Maybe that will help you as well.

Good luck

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by romothesavior » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:25 pm

emorystud2010 wrote:If you think your stressed now, wait until 1L exams or waiting to hear back about OCI. Those times will make you yearn for the stress levels you're experiencing right now.
Agreed. Waiting for grades was the absolute worst waiting experience of all time, followed closely by OCI. Waiting for the LSAT was a distant third, and waiting for acceptances a very distant fourth. I thought the law school application process was one of the more "fun" parts of this whole law school game.

Enjoy your senior year (or your pre-law experience or whatever you're doing now), and just relax. Nothing you can do now but wait, and law school really is a numbers game. Most of you should have a very good idea of where you will get into already. If you did well on your LSAT and/or have respectable grades, you'll be fine.

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by euskadi » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:36 pm

PersuasiveCharm wrote:Omg it feels so good that I am not alone with this feeling. I'll try to work on not letting it dominate my life. On my days off it's usually the worst. When I'm home alone and have too much time to think. Blah. It's like I start psyching myself out. This month will probably be the hardest month of my life.
You've got quite the life, then, my dear. The mere consideration that this may be the most stressful time of your life ought to eliminate any feelings of stress - if this is really your most significant concern, how bloody fortunate are you (and most of us on TLS)?

I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to a good lunch today.

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by ThreeRivers » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:51 pm

I seem to not let things bother me until they are RIGHT there. For example, I wasn't really stressed at all afterthe LSAT until the Monday the scores came out I went into full freakout mode (shocked my F5 key still works). Right now, I'm completely fine, but once I know I should start hearing from schools soon I'm sure I'll be stressed out of my mind. One thing I kind of want is just ONE early acceptance. Obviously the better the school the happier I will feel, but idk I think physiologically getting an acceptance first will help (if I get 5 rejections to start out my cycle than lol at how freaked out I'll be)

One thing I have noticed, I 100% don't give a fuck about any of my ug classes... I get pissed off about having to attend / having to learn stuff when all I really care about is ls lol
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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by sandwiches5000 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:53 pm

ThreeRivers wrote:I seem to not let things bother me until they are RIGHT there. For example, I wasn't really stressed at all afterthe LSAT until the Monday the scores came out I went into full freakout mode (shocked my F5 key still works). Right now, I'm completely fine, but once I know I should start hearing from schools soon I'm sure I'll be stressed out of my mind. One thing I kind of want is just ONE early acceptance. l

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by Strange » Mon Nov 07, 2011 1:03 pm

I've been on here just about 24/7 since I got my score. Before that I was barely on here. There's so much to read about and research, before you are faced with making decisions down the road.

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by quiver » Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:45 pm

romothesavior wrote:
emorystud2010 wrote:If you think your stressed now, wait until 1L exams or waiting to hear back about OCI. Those times will make you yearn for the stress levels you're experiencing right now.
Agreed. Waiting for grades was the absolute worst waiting experience of all time, followed closely by OCI. Waiting for the LSAT was a distant third, and waiting for acceptances a very distant fourth. I thought the law school application process was one of the more "fun" parts of this whole law school game.

Enjoy your senior year (or your pre-law experience or whatever you're doing now), and just relax. Nothing you can do now but wait, and law school really is a numbers game. Most of you should have a very good idea of where you will get into already. If you did well on your LSAT and/or have respectable grades, you'll be fine.
Completely agree with this. Although I'd add one item to my stress list:
1. waiting for grades after both semesters of 1L
2. waiting after interviews from OCI
3. waiting for transfer acceptances (very compressed timeline)

Very distant 4. waiting for LSAT score

Extremely distant 5. waiting for 0L law school acceptances

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by bk1 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:47 pm


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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by crumpetsandtea » Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:49 pm

Actually, I feel kinda numb. I'm almost a little sad that all my applications are in, because I kind of miss the process of applying and freaking out about it.

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by ThreeRivers » Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:36 pm

crumpetsandtea wrote:Actually, I feel kinda numb. I'm almost a little sad that all my applications are in, because I kind of miss the process of applying and freaking out about it.
I put a ton of time in LS stuff since late August (studying for LSAT / then working on apps). Now I'm doing NOTHING... for awhile I felt like an old man who retired and didn't know what to do with his time lol. Different type of "Stress" when you can't do much to influence your chances anymore

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by justonemoregame » Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:43 pm

Yeah I'm kind of stressed that I'm not stressed. I feel like I should send out another wave of apps.

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by VictoryGin » Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:40 pm

I've been incredibly stressed. To be honest, I can't think of a more stressful time in my life thus far. I hate it, so much.

Also, count me into the unmotivated for anything undergraduate related club as well. I wish I could Rip Van Winkle the next 8 months and wake up ready to go to LS!

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by Grizz » Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:42 pm

romothesavior wrote: Agreed. Waiting for grades was the absolute worst waiting experience of all time, followed closely by OCI. Waiting for the LSAT was a distant third, and waiting for acceptances a very distant fourth. I thought the law school application process was one of the more "fun" parts of this whole law school game.
OCI was the worst for me. I was a wreck. Smoking half a pack a day and dipping when not smoking. The feeling of utter despair sometimes is basically indescribable.

OP, at this rate, you're never gonna make it through LAWL school.

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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by crumpetsandtea » Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:46 pm

Grizz wrote:OCI was the worst for me. I was a wreck. Smoking half a pack a day and dipping when not smoking. The feeling of utter despair sometimes is basically indescribable. OP, at this rate, you're never gonna make it through LAWL school.
This frightens me.



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Re: Is anyone else like...Overly stressed?

Post by Helmholtz » Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:54 pm

romothesavior wrote:
emorystud2010 wrote:If you think your stressed now, wait until 1L exams or waiting to hear back about OCI. Those times will make you yearn for the stress levels you're experiencing right now.
Agreed. Waiting for grades was the absolute worst waiting experience of all time, followed closely by OCI. Waiting for the LSAT was a distant third, and waiting for acceptances a very distant fourth.
+1 except it was more 1L grades >>> OCI >>> Finding out about the journal competition > LSAT > School admissions.

The thing that's bad about 1L grades is that so much depends on them and it feels so uncertain. My OCI and school admissions were knowing that since I had interviewed with X number of firms or applied to X number of schools, my chances were good that I would get at least one that I would be happy with. You don't get that for 1L grades. One grade can potentially tank your 1L GPA, and it's incredibly difficult to compare your exam performance with other students (chances are, you wouldn't want to try anyway). I miss the lighter workload of 1L, but I do not miss the fear.

Seriously? What are you waiting for?

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