MTal wrote:--LinkRemoved--
If you are paying $$ for anything below the are getting SCREWED.
Edit: For some reason when you click on that link, it doesn't work, but if you copy it and paste it into your browser, it will take you directly to the LST website.
Might be getting screwed in the T14. Don't think those schools are beyond reproach. Even some Harvard law grads are getting the shaft. Fortunately for the elite schools, their long histories of prestige and placement success are more likely to warrant the benefit of the doubt in terms of students' expectations. Students go to elite schools because they know those schools have historically produced results, but that doesn't mean those schools haven't also lied to lure students away from their main competitors.
Anyone who thinks this isn't a widespread problem - i.e. 100+ schools with flagrant misrepresentations - is naiive.
However, there won't be a windfall of loan forgiveness and punitive damages for every law student. What the independent investigators will probably do is compile some complicated metrics extrapolating the likelihoods of students landing jobs. My guess is that only those unemployed students who were above 75th percentile at their respective schools will have valid claims. Even then, the settlement will not include full forgiveness, they could still be on the hook for 50% of their loan values. It appears to me that maybe the ABA and or USNWR should be named as a co-defendant(s) in these lawsuits. Maybe they will get the message then.
FeelTheHeat wrote:MrPapagiorgio wrote:derp derp derp
Research or not, misrepresenting their shit like that does no good for the profession. I honestly fail to see how anyone could object to this...would anyone outside of the students that go there be upset if 50 schools were shut down? If the only ones in Florida were UF, FSU, UM, Stetson, and FIU (and even that might be too many)? The more attention that is brought to these things, the better off we all are.
Agreed. I want about 50 certain schools to close and about 20 new ones to open.
Wouldn't it be great if about 50 schools, including Cooley, Cal-Western, TJ, john Marshall, Texas Southern, and several others closed, while Princeton, MIT, Dartmouth, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Rice, Cal-Tech, Carnegie Mellon, Rochester, GA. Tech, and Purdue opened law schools?