Law School Admissions 101? Forum

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Law School Admissions 101?

Post by uchi15hopeful » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:18 pm

My friend told me about an event with the deans of Chicago, Michigan, and Penn. It's on October 17th and it's in Chicago.

Anyone know about this?

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Re: Law School Admissions 101?

Post by LSAT Blog » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:36 pm

After googling a sentence from the description, it sounds like this is an event that's been held all over the place, at a variety of schools.

It might be worth attending simply to make contact with the admissions folks so that you can send a follow-up / thank-you note later.

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Re: Law School Admissions 101?

Post by theadvancededit » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:06 pm

This is an event that's held in a variety of cities hosted by the adcomms of UMich, UChicago, and UPenn. It's usually held at a school but, a year (or two?) ago, it was held at White & Case in NYC. It features a rundown of the admissions process, commentary of what adcomms are looking for, as well as a Q&A. A few of my students have attended these and gained some pretty good insight into the applications process. You can also speak to them after the event so, as Steve said, it could be useful in making contact with them for the future.

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