Apply now just below 3.0 or wait til over Forum

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Apply now just below 3.0 or wait til over

Post by DonDrapersAttorney » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:07 pm

So I've run into an issue. I thought my community college transcript would push me over the 3.0 mark. I'll be just shy of it if I apply in Sept/Oct, which I'll have everything ready to do. Likewise, I'm taking fairly easy classes that I'm confident will push me into about the 3.1 or better category after fall semester classes. My goal school is Northeastern, I have a 160 LSAT, so I fall pretty squarely in the middle of LSAT range for them. I was curious if other people think it'd be more beneficial to be at the front of the cycle or wait until the new grades come in.

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