GPA- college courses taken in high school Forum

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GPA- college courses taken in high school

Post by Marie34 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:05 am

I know that the grades from every college institution from which I took a class must be sent in. But, I'm not sure if anyone is a central NY state resident, but my high school offered courses through Syracuse University, also known as SUPA (Syracuse University Project Advance). This project is an affiliation between SU and participating high schools allowing students to take SU college courses. I'm pretty sure the classes I took through this project were legitimate Syracuse courses, but since it was a organization designated solely for high school students, I'm not sure if it would still count?

Here's the link for the SUPA website,

Any help would be appreciated!

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Re: GPA- college courses taken in high school

Post by straxen » Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:10 am

It still counts, unfortunately. Screwed up my LSAC GPA.

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