Currently a 0L who works for a legal institution, however, can anyone explain or point out a place to explain different avenues in law I could go into or should look [proactively] into as a 0L.
I know it depends on what my school specializes in/what classes interest me blah blah, but I want to know what different types of law I can go into outside of big law.
I'm aware of the ambiguity this question has inviting a snarky response but outside of Litigation and "International" Law which areas should can people attest to? I know, as an absolute, I do not want to touch family law or anything related, but I feel so out-of-touch with niche type laws that aren't as well know (Labor law, insurance defense, etc) and I've been getting self conscious constantly hearing "what type of law do you want to do" to which I answer litigation or "international"

Saving your smart*** responses can anyone summarize some lesser known(to a 0L) areas of law or point me to somewhere I can look into different types with explanations and career paths?