LOR Question Forum

(Applications Advice, Letters of Recommendation . . . )
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LOR Question

Post by zanzbar » Sun May 15, 2011 3:32 pm

I am just finishing my internship up at the state legislature, and I was offered to have the Representative write me an LOR for all my work this session. I was wondering if it was ok to send in a target letter of recommendation aimed to the nearby T14 school even though the Representative is not an alumni . Also if so should I take a chance at making it more personal by asking it to be addressed to the Dean of Admissions?

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Re: LOR Question

Post by JamMasterJ » Sun May 15, 2011 3:40 pm

Unless you have specific dealings with the Rep and (s)he knows you very well, the school won't look very highly on such "prestige LOR's." They would much prefer all 2 or 3 to be from faculty that know you very well. I think the only possible exception would be a Walter Mondale letter for Minnesota or a Barack Obama letter at UChi or something, but even these are not going to carry the same weight as a strong letter that shows that the recommender really knows you

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