TemporarySaint wrote:Grond wrote:FWIW, years ago I read an article concerning Boalt Hall's modification of GPAs based on their opinion of the UG. I just did a quick search and found this:
http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/col ... tions.html
I know of at least one other law school that used to do the same thing.
Using a chart from 97 doesn't exactly do much to advance arguments regarding current admissions processes, especially when the chart is from a school that is widely acknowledged as one that is atypical.
This chart isn't even necessarily all about prestige. Schools like USC, UCLA, and Berk, which are usually seen as prestigious are not given a bump, even compared against other schools that a peers. There's also a serious bias in favor of liberal arts schools.
Does anyone really think that Smith College or Whitman College are especially prestigious?
Uhh, yes (although admittedly schools like Whitman and Colgate are not as strong, and presumably the Boalt grade scales have changed since 1997). The top private liberal arts colleges are very prestigious when comparing undergrads. Much of the prestige that schools like Berkeley and UCLA get is attached to their top-tier graduate and research programs. The top-end liberal arts colleges have higher admissions standards generally than the UC system at least, which is necessarily generous to California natives. Not to mention that the small size of liberal arts colleges translates to smaller classes and a stronger, more rounded education, and more per-capita resources for job-seeking juniors and seniors. There is a good reason, after all, that the top liberal arts schools are so damn expensive.
Also, I don't think anyone was drawing conclusions outside of the scope of Boalt. The only thing we can really take from it is that Boalt (for the best IMO) does not take LSDAS GPA at face value. Boalt tries to adjust based on strength of undergraduate education and grade inflation, and since other law schools are mum on the issue,
maybe other top law schools adjust GPAs by undergrad institution as well.