I am entering my final year of undergrad work in the fall and I intend to submit my applications for law school in October. However, I have 11 credits that I am required to complete beyond my regular course load of 45 for the year. My institution is on the quarter system-- and to complete the year-- I intend to do 15 in the Fall, 18 in the winter, 18 in the spring, and a 5 credit early 4-week summer session.
I had originally intended to do 8 credits this summer but, being a private school, I was not awarded sufficient summer financial aid (other institutions for this summer are not option). Next summer will be different, I was told, as I will be graduating.
Any thoughts on how this will/will not effect admissions are most appreciated!

P.S. I might do 18 in fall and subtract 3 from winter or spring.