Schools with Interviews Forum

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Schools with Interviews

Post by sanetruth » Fri May 28, 2010 11:02 am

I know not nearly every school requests (or even permits) interviews, but at what schools are interviews considered an important factor in admissions, besides Northwestern?

I've seen some people mention Vandy and Georgetown interviews, and I know, for example, that Michigan does not do interviews under any circumstance, so what else have we got to fill out this list?

Also, for schools that don't interview, is 'dropping in on the admissions office' during a visit something they take note of?

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Re: Schools with Interviews

Post by MusicNutMeggie » Fri May 28, 2010 1:58 pm

If Harvard doesn't give you a phone interview, it's highly unlikely that you're getting in. They "attempt" to interview all admits-- which means that they manage to do it. I had a GULC interview after review of my file; they said they wanted to know more about me, so it was basically a hold.

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