deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply? Forum

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What should I do?

Decline the job offer and start law school in Fall 2010
Withdraw from my dream law school, accept the job offer, and reapply to law school this fall
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deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by letsgojayhawks » Tue May 11, 2010 6:11 pm

So, I'm in a bit of a quandary at the moment. My dream law school accepted me about three months ago, and a month later I was offered the opportunity to spend the next year working abroad. After submitting my deposit at my dream school, I requested a deferral of my acceptance. Yesterday, I found out that my deferral request was denied. Now, I don't know what to do.

I'm just finishing my undergrad now, and I think that taking a year off before going to law school would be beneficial not only for my personal growth and maturity, but also for professional reasons. My job would be part-time (teaching English), so I would have time to intern in my field of interest and take a class or two. The problem is that I'm worried that I won't get into my dream law school next cycle. The dean told me that deferral decisions are made based on both the reason for the deferral and the expected competitiveness of the candidate in the next cycle. In my case, she told me that while my reasons were not bad, they could not be sure that I would be a competitive candidate in the next cycle. Though she followed this up by saying that I would have at least a 50% chance of admission, this makes me think that if I do withdraw and reapply, I risk being rejected. If this were to happen, I don't know what I'd do. I applied to a bunch of law schools this cycle, but I can't imagine attending any other school. I also don't care to waste my time or money on an MA program.

In the best-case scenario, I would withdraw from the law school, reapply, be accepted, and start law school in Fall 2011. In the worst-case scenario, I would withdraw from the law school, reapply, be rejected, and be forced to either attend another school (which I wouldn't), waste my time in a masters program, or continue working and apply for a third time. My other option, of course, is to not take any risks, decline the job offer, and start law school this fall. Though this option is the safest, I worry that down the road I'm going to regret not taking time off. I also worry that I'll be at a disadvantage in law school as a recent undergrad with no work experience and a high likelihood of burning out.

Any thoughts? Advice? Thanks!

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by BlueCivic » Tue May 11, 2010 6:15 pm

Really depends on the specifics I think. How happy would you be getting into a similar school if you get rejected from this one next year? Is this the school you'd be happiest by a wide margin?

Without knowing the specifics its hard to make a recommendation. But my guess would be that you will be best off to take the year off and take your chances in the next cycle. I think a year of life experience makes a tremendous difference and you may regret going straight through to law school, as many people I know who did do.

It sounds like you have a great opportunity so if you could live with possibility of going to a different school the next year I think you should take the year off.


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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by musicfor18 » Tue May 11, 2010 6:18 pm

What school are you speaking of? Pm me if you don't want to post it here.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by Rock Chalk » Tue May 11, 2010 6:19 pm

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by letsgojayhawks » Tue May 11, 2010 6:20 pm

musicfor18 wrote:What school are you speaking of? Pm me if you don't want to post it here.
McGill. In Montreal. I didn't post it because it doesn't seem to be very well-known on this forum.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by Teoeo » Tue May 11, 2010 6:25 pm

Well, McGill isn't talked about because it's in canada, but it is obviously a good school. The job you are talking about doesn't seem particularly relevant to the law and as such probably won't help you a great deal in your career. Futhermore, this is your DREAM school, just go!!

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by scgoaliface32 » Tue May 11, 2010 6:39 pm

I've been wondering if re: deferrals law schools are like car salespeople in that they want you to think it's now or never even if it really isn't. I don't know. Anway, I'm under the impression that Canadian schools place more emphasis on gpa over lsat than american schools, and you said you're finishing undergrad now...any chance you'll do better this semester and improve on whatever gpa you applied with? Granted even a 4.0 in your last semester would only make a tiny difference overall. But if so, I'd say take the job and apply next year, if in fact you are really interested in the job. Going abroad could be amazing, and it would be a good soft for next year's application cycle anwyay.

On an unrelated note, did you apply to U of T? Are you familiar with the app process in Ontario, and if so could you enlighten me? I've read OUAC's guide thing but I'm more interested in TLS-esque insight as to what admissions is looking for. Thanks, and go Canada :)

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by Knock » Tue May 11, 2010 11:22 pm

If it's truly your dream school, I wouldn't risk it. I wouldn't, at least, but that's just my opinion. Good luck in whatever you decide.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by TTH » Tue May 11, 2010 11:26 pm

I don't know anything about Canadian law school admissions, but if you aren't autoadmit at McGill, then you should go ahead and enroll this year. Teaching English abroad for a year may be a great experience, but is it worth jeopardizing your future?

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by 09042014 » Tue May 11, 2010 11:30 pm

Where are you teaching english. I've heard the Korean places are sweat shops.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by BlueCivic » Tue May 11, 2010 11:30 pm

TTH wrote:I don't know anything about Canadian law school admissions, but if you aren't autoadmit at McGill, then you should go ahead and enroll this year. Teaching English abroad for a year may be a great experience, but is it worth jeopardizing your future?
As someone who has been out for a couple of years i disagree with this mentality. At some point you have to live your life. Law school will always be there. Opportunities to do these things when you are young and unburdened do not come back along. Especially since the OP seems to want to have this experience I think that its a good idea. I also think that it is good to have a bit of real world experience and not be one of the people who just does 25 straight years of school because its the thing to do. Just my opinion.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by TTH » Tue May 11, 2010 11:36 pm

BlueCivic wrote:
TTH wrote:I don't know anything about Canadian law school admissions, but if you aren't autoadmit at McGill, then you should go ahead and enroll this year. Teaching English abroad for a year may be a great experience, but is it worth jeopardizing your future?
As someone who has been out for a couple of years i disagree with this mentality. At some point you have to live your life. Law school will always be there. Opportunities to do these things when you are young and unburdened do not come back along. Especially since the OP seems to want to have this experience I think that its a good idea. I also think that it is good to have a bit of real world experience and not be one of the people who just does 25 straight years of school because its the thing to do. Just my opinion.
I typically have your side of the argument. I was out of school for five years before going back, and I think getting out in the world a bit is generally good for a person. However, in OP's case, where he seems to be on the border of being WL/dinged at the only school at which he wants to attend, it doesn't seem wise to jeopardize his admission (especially when he doesn't have a clear backup plan).


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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by AsexualChocolate » Tue May 11, 2010 11:43 pm

It sounds like you have a good shot at McGill next year. Will you ever encounter a similar opportunity to work abroad? With LS debt? Life is an adventure. Go where the wind leads you and if McGill is meant to be, it is meant to be. A lot can happen in a year. You may find your life's purpose while working abroad. The experience could potentially lead you to the type of law you want to practice; or perhaps the type of law you don't want to practice. Ultimately, the experience would render you more prepared for the challenges that await you in the future, whatever they may be...

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by BlueCivic » Tue May 11, 2010 11:43 pm

TTH wrote:
BlueCivic wrote:
TTH wrote:I don't know anything about Canadian law school admissions, but if you aren't autoadmit at McGill, then you should go ahead and enroll this year. Teaching English abroad for a year may be a great experience, but is it worth jeopardizing your future?
As someone who has been out for a couple of years i disagree with this mentality. At some point you have to live your life. Law school will always be there. Opportunities to do these things when you are young and unburdened do not come back along. Especially since the OP seems to want to have this experience I think that its a good idea. I also think that it is good to have a bit of real world experience and not be one of the people who just does 25 straight years of school because its the thing to do. Just my opinion.
I typically have your side of the argument. I was out of school for five years before going back, and I think getting out in the world a bit is generally good for a person. However, in OP's case, where he seems to be on the border of being WL/dinged at the only school at which he wants to attend, it doesn't seem wise to jeopardize his admission (especially when he doesn't have a clear backup plan).
Yeah I think that the OP needs to make the determination as to whether a similar school would be acceptable if he or she does not get back into this one. If it is totally unacceptable than yeah i'd agree with you and say go. But if he or she could live with the risk and possibly be happy at another school I would advise to live a bit in the world.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by Holly Golightly » Tue May 11, 2010 11:46 pm

Desert Fox wrote:Where are you teaching english. I've heard the Korean places are sweat shops.
Those can either be amazing with great pay and awesome benefits or really, really horrible depending on which company you're with.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by Doritos » Tue May 11, 2010 11:54 pm

Holly Golightly wrote:
Desert Fox wrote:Where are you teaching english. I've heard the Korean places are sweat shops.
Those can either be amazing with great pay and awesome benefits or really, really horrible depending on which company you're with.
Very true. Also very dependent on the contract that you sign. If you end up going overseas you should check out this forum... I nearly went overseas and deferred my law school experience but decided against it. The people at that forum are incredibly knowledgeable and helpful

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by kalvano » Tue May 11, 2010 11:57 pm

I wouldn't pass on my dream school. Once you're a big-time lawyer with tons of loonies in the banque, you can jet off to Korea any time you want.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by Holly Golightly » Tue May 11, 2010 11:58 pm

I will go against the grain, and say that if this is something you're always going to regret not doing, you should do it. I waited a year to apply to law school because I wanted to teach in France.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by Doritos » Wed May 12, 2010 12:00 am

kalvano wrote:I wouldn't pass on my dream school. Once you're a big-time lawyer with tons of loonies in the banque, you can jet off to Korea any time you want.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by kalvano » Wed May 12, 2010 12:03 am

You have money named after a milk?

What a crazy country. What's next, sending your hockey teams to Southwestern USA?

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by RockyLovesEmily » Wed May 12, 2010 12:10 am

If you were going to be doing something more interesting than teaching English in Korea, I'd say reapply next year. But that isn't all that adventurous IMO. Do an exchange program in law school, you'll get as much out of it.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by cflames7 » Wed May 12, 2010 12:46 am

Desert Fox wrote:Where are you teaching english. I've heard the Korean places are sweat shops.
I teach English at a public school in Korea, and it is the furthest thing from a sweatshop.

If you sign on with a hagwon (private academy) you may end up working sweatshop hours. And by sweatshop hours I mean 35 hours a week teaching, split shifts, only 2 weeks vacation, and maybe your two days off a week will be weekdays rather than weekends.

Im my case, public school is Monday to Friday, 9-5. We get 4 weeks vacation, 22 teaching hours per week and lots of down time for school holidays and school vacation.

Teaching at a university is even further from a sweatshop than my gig, but it usually takes a couple of years experience to get in.

Sorry for the off-topic FYI

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by im_blue » Wed May 12, 2010 5:39 am

Is your dream to go to your dream law school and be a lawyer, or to be a teacher? Seems like an easy choice here.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by tallboone » Wed May 12, 2010 5:54 am

I may be facing this dilemma in the fall, but there is another option here: you will have plenty of free time if you are just teaching english abroad, so maybe you can study for the LSAT and get a couple points higher, enough to guarantee admission.

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Re: deferral denied --> law school or withdraw and reapply?

Post by letsgojayhawks » Wed May 12, 2010 8:54 am

Thanks for all the help so far! Just to specify a bit, I would be teaching English in France, and taking classes or interning on the side. I was accepted at McGill normally--not off the waitlist--but I am not an autoadmit, partially for reasons I can change (LORs) and partially for reasons I cannot (GPA). I've done a lot of research, and I can't imagine myself ending up at any school but McGill. On the one hand I think that, knowing what I do now, if I submit a new personal statement and new LORs I should be able to get in again. On the other hand, I worry that the applicant pool next year will render me less competitive than this year.

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